A little know T&D fact is that ‘Dark Moon’ – our intense, deep hydrating, night cream was originally named – ‘dead of night’. Which is still a name we love, unfortunately for us some canny New York fragrance designers thought it sounded pretty cool too and beat us to the punch, such is life.
To explain our thinking behind the names we need to give you some background, see when we built this product we were exploiting some fantastic science that helps get the cream deep into the skins layers where the Kakadu plum (natural vitamin c) can weave its magic against the free radicals that build up during the day. We wanted to exploit the deep sleep state (R.E.M) so we could access those inner depths, and we wanted a name that would reflect that time of day when the product is at its most effective.
We imagined this product to be a guardian of sorts, whose only intention is to resist free radicals, those harmful little mites blocking your body’s natural collagen production.
We went with Dark Moon, because it is a rare and mysterious event (and there were no pesky New Yorkers cramping our style), much like the way our body regenerates when it is in R.E.M sleep. A dark moon is invisible to earth, silent and hidden in shadow, we equate it to a lunar deep breath, one that is taken just before each new moon rises.
‘Dark Moon’ by Triumph & Disaster represents this concept of reflection and recovery and is designed to work with our body’s natural rhythm. A scientifically engineered hydrating cream, ‘Dark Moon’ utilises vitamin C, olive and horopito to facilitate healthy, vibrant skin; working silently and naturally in the deep hours before dawn. Apply daily prior to bed, or as a top up to your daily moisturising routine.
Engineered to enhance collagen production using multiple sources rich in Vitamin C such as Kakadu plum, Swamp maple, and Rosemary. Vitamin C is for Collagen.
Hydration for regeneration. Best used as a night cream, this is a light hydrating phenomenon. Feels effortless on the skin whilst delivering outstanding hydration.
Perfect aid for overnight rejuvenation rich in Swamp Maple and its proven pro-collagen and pro-elastin qualities. Clinical trials show the long-term efficacy of this polyphenolic extract, a wonder ingredient that promotes healthy collagen production
Go easy, don’t overload. We believe heavy, thick night creams are counter-productive to the regenerative process. Our role is to facilitate repair not hinder it by overloading the system with synthetic obstacles that then need to be flushed.
Clinically proven - We have investigated and adopted the very latest science combined with our knowledge and philosophy of skin to promote the healthiest skin we can. The science we use is clinically proven, the ingredients traceable and sustainable, the ethos pure and green.
Overnight rejuvenation & hydration
Promotes healthy collagen production
Healthy, vibrant skin

Kakadu Plum Fruit Extract
Used medicinally for thousands of years by indigenous Australians, Kakadu plum is believed to possess the most Vitamin C of any food on Earth; Being up to 100 times that found in an orange. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and vital nutrient in slowing the aging process. It is crucial for the production of prolin, an amino acid essential to create collagen.
Swamp Maple Bark Extract
Maple bark extract is a naturally occurring active ingredient with clinically proven procollagen and proelastin properties. Swamp Maple stimulates dermal regeneration by increasing collagen production while inhibiting collagenase enzyme synthesis that degrades collagen with age. Clinical studies reveal the complete and long-term efficacy of this polyphenolic extract with measured wrinkle amplitude reduction as well as visible effects expressed with before and after treatment documentation.
Rosemary Extract
A powerful natural antioxidant that provides protection against UV stress and glycation and reduces the accumulation of skin damage over time, for healthy looking skin. Stunning long-term oil preservation. Rosemary extract is a powerful oil stabiliser with anti-rancidity and natural anti-oxidation properties that help in the protection of skin collagen and elastin fibres. It also enhances elastin and hyaluronic acid production.
Found in New Zealand's backcountry, is one of the world's oldest flowering plants, having been around for over 65 million years due in large part to its amazing chemical defence system.
We recommend using Gameface Moisturiser during the day, but at night, after cleansing & toning, apply to the face daily for targeting hydration and recovery.